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August 2024

[Thursday] Tropical Wave may Develop in Gulf of Mexico or Near Florida this Weekend

   Posted by Levi at 1:06pm on August 1, 2024




  • Elizabeth B says:

    Thank you for the detailed explanation of the factors at play for 97L. Your videos help so much. Watching warily from the FL Panhandle.

  • Marie M. says:

    Thanks Levi Cowan for the informative videos which clearly explain the systems.

    Live in North East Florida and you are my go-to person for all things Hurricane ๐ŸŒ€๐ŸŒ€

    Stay safe everyone ๐Ÿ™

  • Stephen M Taylor says:

    Thank you for being the most valuable and reliable tool in my tool box!

  • Anonymous says:

    Thanks for all that you do. Such a clear, concise overview for the lay-person…

  • Mike Vain says:

    Thanks Levi, as always you’re the voice of calm and reason.

  • Anonymous says:

    Debby. Please give me some surf. I am from Hawaii and living here in Florida is tough. The placement of Hawaii is perfect to get swells from all directions year round. Florida can be magical when a hurricane passes by but the swell is short lived. If the storm is too close the winds chop it up. Too far away, very inconsistent waves.

  • Paul Ross says:

    Thanks Levi
    As a Northwest Florida native I have experienced more than my fair share of storms.
    I followed you way back on the old Wunderground blog when you were just a kid living in Alaska of all places, expressing your opinions on tropical systems that would directly affect me on the coast of Florida.
    You were many miles away but learned you at a young age had a passion and knowledge to track and predict storm paths and outcomes..Way much better than I would be of predicting snowfall amounts in Alaska from my home in Northwest Florida!
    Look at you now Dr. Cowan!!
    You are my go to for sensible and well explained forecasts as well as many friends I have turned on to your incredibly legit webpage.
    Thanks again Levi for everything!
    If ever in the Pensacola area look me up and I will by you a beer or three!
    Paul Ross

  • Anonymous says:

    The hand drawn arrow showing direction doesnโ€™t precisely match the NOAA forecast, thus slight misinformation in my opinion

    • Nancy Eaton says:

      NOAA forecast is always a consolidation of models. Levi is not giving misinformation.At this point the track is uncertain and NOAAโ€™s forecast is not set in stone.

      • Michael Colby says:

        Who said NOAA tracks were set in stone? The point is, anyone can hand draw an arrow, in crayons if they want to, and attempt to outguess, mimic, or approximate a track supplied by NHC forecasters, who have more combined experience than anyone on the planet. In my opinion, if one is going to draw a track line on their own, it should reflect the latest track by the NHC professionals. I am not implying Levi is not skilled, but subtle differences in the hand drawn track and its length can lead to unwarrented confusion among public perception.

  • Sirus Helveston says:

    Wonder what the probability of while it stalls half on land and half off that it breaks apart an a new storm evolves and does the old circle back to Florida will be.

  • Anonymous says:


  • Thank you for your clear explanation of the science behind the storms!!

  • Luis From Mexico says:

    EXCELLENT in-deep analisis. Outstanding job.

  • Gary J Petersen says:

    Thank You for what you do in keeping those of us that are potentially affected informed.


  • Betty G Abernathy says:

    Thank you so much for your excellent coverage. You are appreciated.

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