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May 2024

2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season Outlook

   Posted by Levi at 7:44pm on May 19, 2024




  • Anonymous says:


  • ICader says:


  • Brian says:

    Thank you for the scientific basis for the information. I like the way you teach about the science it helps in understanding what the different pieces of information are that are on your site.

  • Keri says:

    Great video. Thank you!

  • sunlinepr says:

    Excelent analysis Levy… thanks

  • Andre Dias says:

    do you guys think we will get past 30 named storms 2020 record?

    • ICader says:

      Even as a guess it’s hard to say, but it does seem possible. I think we will.

  • Meg Cromwell says:

    No need to approve this message for public posting, but we’ve had an issue running through the models on our cell phones on this site for a while. It doesn’t move.

    Thank you for all that you do!

    • Levi says:

      These comments automatically display publicly, but if you’re able to tell me the type/version of phone and which web browser you use, I might be able to provide more information. This is not an issue I’ve heard from anyone else recently.

  • Bob Hinden says:

    Is there a simlar forecast for Pacific Hurricanes?

    • Levi says:

      I focus most of my work on Atlantic tropical cyclones, but when Pacific hurricanes threaten the U.S. I sometimes post storm-specific video discussions on those as well.

  • Paul says:

    Hi Dr. Cowan,

    Thank you for your posts, as always informative and easy for viewers to understand. Is there any correlation between a La NiƱa season and general direction of storms (heading into Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico) versus heading up Eastern Seaboard and/or recurving into North Atlantic? TYSM –Paul

  • Randall says:

    Thanks so much for this information. I own a home in South Florida and based on these terrifying predictions, I’m already taking steps such as replacing my old roof with a new one, strengthening my shutters, trimming trees and thinking about how I will modify my old storm plan to deal with stronger storms. It just seems like in the past couple of years, EVERY tropical storm that appears undergoes rapid intensification and maxes out when the eye wall replacement cycles occur. We’ve been lucky that such storms last year were deflected into the N. Atlantic. Looks like that might not happen this year per Dr. Cowan’s video and I’m not sure my old 1/8 inch aluminum shutters could survive anything above cat 3. Given this, the predicted number of major storms by CSU could be low. Too late to sell and move north, what will come, will come.

    • Randall says:

      As a footnote, my aluminum shutters held up fine against a direct hit (eye passed over) by Hurricane Wilma in 2005. However, it was down to a high Cat 2 by that time. Given the seemingly higher average intensity I’ve been seeing the past couple years (Cat 4 seems average now), my shutters are no longer good enough.

  • Kevin Revere says:

    Great work, Levi. Keep it up. Being a long-time resident of the Gulf Coast, I greatly appreciate and rely on your consistent and scientific insight. You have taught us much over the years. Thank you.

  • Liz says:

    Thank you for posting your informative videos. I live near the coastline in South Florida, and I always turn to your website for the most reliable, accurate information. I don’t like the fear tactics on the regular news. You don’t hype; you inform. I’ve been taking your advice into consideration since I used to see your comments on Wunderground. I’ve let my friends and family know of your website so we can be prepared and accurately informed.

    It’s reassuring to know we can all get straightforward information from you without the background noise from the local news stations. I do listen to my local news (as you advise) as well, but only after I have the actual facts from you.

    Thanks for being there for us South Floridians!

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