I really love your detailed and technical forecast presentation. Thanks a lot for all the information, it’s quite useful living in El Salvador.
Cold weather has set into the upper Gulf Coast. Louisiana is experience cool weather.
Who named that a hurricane? Big depression. It is a large swath of swirling moisture. As soon as it gets halfway through the GOM it will be extra tropical unless it turns toward Florida. Thank’s for the update Levi.
OK, now it looks like a small hurricane with potential.
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I really love your detailed and technical forecast presentation. Thanks a lot for all the information, it’s quite useful living in El Salvador.
Cold weather has set into the upper Gulf Coast. Louisiana is experience cool weather.
Who named that a hurricane? Big depression. It is a large swath of swirling moisture. As soon as it gets halfway through the GOM it will be extra tropical unless it turns toward Florida. Thank’s for the update Levi.
OK, now it looks like a small hurricane with potential.