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August 2024

[Sunday] Tropical Storm Likely to Form Near Leeward Islands

   Posted by Levi at 2:49pm on August 11, 2024




  • Anonymous says:

    Thank you for what you do. There’s so much bogus information out there. It’s great having someone who is a professional Meteorologist give us updated accurate information. You are literally a life saver, used you for the 2017 storms. Blessings from the United States, Virgin Islands.

  • Anonymous says:

    Thanks so much for this info.

  • Anonymous says:

    Great brief as always. Had a question about something you briefly touched on in your brief.

    Thoughts on whether or not the bogusing of the center position of the invest (which probably doesn’t have a defined center yet) into the models is a concern with respect to storm track?

    This setup in particular seems like one where an error in initial position could have a dramatic effect on forecasted storm motion.

  • Anonymous says:

    track arrow looks a bit off from NOAA forecast, moving toward azimuth 280

  • Kenneth Blackington says:

    it’s Tuesday .

  • Anonymous says:

    Tracking storms makes people lazy. Just be ready and then you don’t have to rush around at the last minute.
    My grand father told me before meteorologists they would always be ready the whole season. If it got real windy they would close all of the shutters and wait for the storm to pass. He said if you were in touch with nature you could tell by animals behavior that something was coming. In March they would trim all of the trees back and get supplies.

  • Storm Likely to Form Near Leeward Islands this year I have seen a lot of information about storms and floods, what a sad year. Because storms like this will greatly affect the economy.

  • Eric Howarth says:

    You just got exposure by Cantore on the Dan Patrick Show displaying models on Tidbits for the football game this weekend! Mainstream.

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