You rock, dude! Thanks for all the info over the last couple of years that I’ve been following your posts. As a lifelong surfer, this old dude appreciates the facts without exaggeration. Very cool!
Most helpful weather site on the web. I’m learning a lot watching your commentary. I live aboard a sailboat in South Florida and cruise about so having aye on the weather is helpful. Thank you for all your hard work.
I really enjoy video’s, they are very informative. I was wondering what your thoughts are for the rest of the season, I see some people are thinking the end of this month and the 1st two weeks in October could pick up some.
I update at the very least when there are storms in the Atlantic that could threaten land. When there isn’t much going on there isn’t much reason for me to post, and I’m busy with school as it is.
Another great job by Levi,would almost pay to here his blog on a regular basis.
Idiots on Masters Blog are hoping 92L becomes a hurricane. Of course most of them don’t live in
You rock, dude! Thanks for all the info over the last couple of years that I’ve been following your posts. As a lifelong surfer, this old dude appreciates the facts without exaggeration. Very cool!
Most helpful weather site on the web. I’m learning a lot watching your commentary. I live aboard a sailboat in South Florida and cruise about so having aye on the weather is helpful. Thank you for all your hard work.
I really enjoy video’s, they are very informative. I was wondering what your thoughts are for the rest of the season, I see some people are thinking the end of this month and the 1st two weeks in October could pick up some.
At first I liked your page, but you never update anything. Why have the page If you can’t keep up…
I update at the very least when there are storms in the Atlantic that could threaten land. When there isn’t much going on there isn’t much reason for me to post, and I’m busy with school as it is.
I feel ya. I still love your page. I’m addicted to weather.
Thanks Levi, we just miss your explanations!
What I have seen has been very informative.A lot more than other sites. I check everyday hoping on some more.