A Few Low-Threat Disturbances to Watch – Western Atlantic Quiets Down for Rest of July
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My understanding from discussion with SLU and observation is that there are about 60 – 100 African generated waves per year. so a 3 day between waves is about normal. MJO is more elusive. How do the models establish their projected data, and how do they confirm their next established data to extend their spaghetti curves. When I look at CPC plot, it is extremely fuzzy. What within the models determine the next data point ?
Just curious.
Yes a 3-day frequency for AEWs is roughly normal, but the point was to show that the wave train is healthy, and the waves are all rather amplified.
The models make deterministic predictions. The MJO is an index derived from OLR and upper and lower-level winds. The model predicts those fields and the predicted MJO index is calculated from that.
When I look at your July 13th, mjo chart and then compare it back to your july 3rd mjo analysis. The charts don’t verify to each other. On July 3rd the predicted paths were all in sector 1. Yet by July 13th, the chart claimed that the mjo data had left sector 1 by the beginning of July and July 3rd was already down in sector 2. This stuff is very confusing and looks like a lot of shooting from the hip by CPC.
The models can struggle with the MJO, especially the GFS. If you noticed, I mentioned a few times how the Euro is likely to be more correct than the GFS when the MJO is in phase 1, and indeed the Euro did the best job, though it was too slow. What really mattered in the forecast was that the MJO came through phases 8, 1, and 2 sequentially, and that’s what I was talking about in late June and early July.
But my point is that the latest chart reflects a history that was rewritten after the fact when compared back to the same chart from 10 days back. Somebody at CPC went back into the previously recorded data and changed it to reflect the current reality. That is not very scientific. I wonder why.
TWC did a neat 5 minute piece on the warm water north of the CV islands and cold water south of the CV islands and how it is increasing vorticity in the African easterly jet stream.
My question is do you see anything in the long term pattern that will move the A/B high?
So far it has been a fairly consistent pattern this summer. July is usually a good indicator of August and September in the Atlantic. I see nothing big that could change the pattern, but monthly forecasts are of course fraught with uncertainty. Anything could happen, but so far the A/B high has been stronger than normal this year.
you know you are one big joke..i have yet to see you get anything right this year darlin…im in new orleans i know for sure we wont get hit this year..try taking up another hobby sweety…paula
Problem is Levi, when you an open forum like this you tend to get the bottom feeders like Paula. Pay no mind, she belongs in the sewer called New Orleans.
No need to insult an entire town.
What has happened for Levi to get right or wrong? The hurricane season hasn’t really started yet.
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