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Model: HWRF-P (12Z Mar 13 run)
Package: MSLP & 10m Wind
Region: 24S
Hour: 0
Forecast Time (local):
LoadedNot Loaded
- −72
- −42
- −36
- −30
- −24
- −18
- −12
- −06
- 000
- 003
- 006
- 009
- 012
- 015
- 018
- 021
- 024
- 027
- 030
- 033
- 036
- 039
- 042
- 045
- 048
- 051
- 054
- 057
- 060
- 063
- 066
- 069
- 072
- 075
- 078
- 081
- 084
- 087
- 090
- 093
- 096
- 099
- 102
- 105
- 108
- 111
- 114
- 117
- 120
- 123
- 126
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- ← →Move forward and backward through forecast times
- SPACEPlay or pause animation
- + −Speed up or slow down the animation
- ↓ ↑Show previous and future model runs at the same valid time
- clickView point sounding
- click + dragView area-averaged sounding
- CTRL + click + dragView vertical cross section
- CMD + click + dragView vertical cross section (Mac)
- ROpen/close region selection menu
- ESCClose open popup windows, like this one
- SHIFT+dragShow ruler on map