I (Levi Cowan) created Tropical Tidbits in 2012 out of my college dorm room. At the time, it was simply meant to be a place to host my hurricane forecasting blog and video discussions that I had been posting on Wunderground since 2005. I still post these videos during the Atlantic hurricane season, but this website has evolved into so much more. It is now a large toolbox of real-time data visualizations that can be used by scientists and enthusiasts to perform weather analysis and forecasting. It remains a passion project of mine that I continue to add products and features to as time allows. The website requires considerable computational resources which are crowdsource-funded by the generous contributions of its users.
Disclaimer: My forecast discussions do not represent the prognostications of any government office. Please visit the National Hurricane Center for official information, some of which can be found on the current storm information page.
I have been tracking tropical cyclones closely since 2002, have a Ph.D. in meteorology from Florida State University, and am a certified tropical cyclone forecaster at the Joint Typhoon Warning Center.
Contact Information:
Questions, comments, and bug reports may be directed to me via email at levicowan@tropicaltidbits.com
Known Issues and Bugs:
- This website makes use of CSS3 layouts and does not work on Internet Explorer < 11. Recent versions of all other major and mobile browsers should display pages properly. If not, feel free to email me about any problems.